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Curricula is now Huntress SAT! 

Start your Huntress SAT Free Trial Today

Huntress Security Awareness Training makes life harder for hackers while giving your admins and learners something to smile about.

  • Headache Free: Onboard learners across one organization or multiple in minutes, integrate it within your stack, and enjoy automated, robust reporting.
  • Memorable Episodes: Story-based episodes leverage the science of learning, paired with relatable characters from award-winning animators, to help learners better retain lessons.
  • Simulated Phishing Scenarios: Keep learners vigilant with simulated phishing scenarios designed to reflect current tactics used by hackers.
  • Fully Managed: Opt-in to Managed Learning and Managed Phishing to enjoy a set-it-and-forget-it experience where Huntress does the work for you.
  • Lightweight LMS: Create your own learning programs within Huntress SAT using our Custom Content Creator Tool.
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The Huntress Managed Security Platform

What small- to mid-sized businesses and MSPs alike are saying about Huntress Managed EDR.

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